
group value

Hyperion provides mpl::Value as a metaprogramming type for storing, communicating, working with, and calculating compile-time values.


#include <hyperion/mpl/value.h>

using namespace hyperion::mpl;

constexpr auto val1 = Value<4>{};
constexpr auto val2 = Value<2>{};

constexpr auto meaning_of_life = (val1 * 10_value) + val2;

static_assert(meaning_of_life == 42);


template<char... TChars>
static inline constexpr auto operator""_value() noexcept#

Numeric literal operator to create a compile-time Value.

Value represents a compile time value, storing that value in its static constexpr member variable, value.

Template Parameters:

TChars – The characters of the numeric literal

template<auto TValue, typename TType = decltype(TValue)>
constexpr auto value_of(const Value<TValue, TType> &value) noexcept -> decltype(TValue)#

Returns the compile-time value of the given mpl::Value

Template Parameters:
  • TValue – The compile-time value of value

  • TType – The type of the compile-time value


value – The mpl::Value to get the compile-time value of


the compile-time value of the given mpl::Value

template<MetaValue TType>
constexpr auto value_of(const TType &value) noexcept -> decltype(TType::value)#

Returns the compile-time value of the given mpl::Value


Template Parameters:

TType – The mpl::MetaValue storing the compile-time value


value – The mpl::MetaValue to get the compile-time value of


the compile-time value of the given mpl::Value

template<MetaValue TType>
constexpr auto as_value(const TType &value) noexcept -> Value<TType::value, std::remove_cvref_t<decltype(TType::value)>>#

Returns the given mpl::MetaValue into an mpl::Value


Template Parameters:

TType – The mpl::MetaValue storing the compile-time value


value – The mpl::MetaValue to get the compile-time value of


the compile-time value of the given mpl::Value

template<auto TValue, typename TType = decltype(TValue)>
constexpr auto operator+(const Value<TValue, TType> &value) noexcept -> Value<TValue>#

Unary plus operator for mpl::Value.


  • The type of TValue must be UnaryPlusable (it must support unary operator+).

Template Parameters:
  • TValue – The value of this Value

  • TType – The type of TValue


value – The mpl::Value to +


The mpl::Value representing +TValue

template<auto TValue, typename TType = decltype(TValue)>
constexpr auto operator-(const Value<TValue, TType> &value) noexcept -> Value<-TValue>#

Unary minus operator for mpl::Value.


  • The type of TValue must be UnaryMinusable (it must support unary operator-).

Template Parameters:
  • TValue – The value of this Value

  • TType – The type of TValue


value – The mpl::Value to -


The mpl::Value representing -TValue

template<auto TLhs, auto TRhs, typename TTypeLhs = decltype(TLhs), typename TTypeRhs = decltype(TRhs)>
constexpr auto operator+(const Value<TLhs, TTypeLhs> &lhs, const Value<TRhs, TTypeRhs> &rhs) noexcept -> Value<TLhs + TRhs>#

Adds the two given mpl::Values and returns the result as another mpl::Value specialization.


  • TLhs and TRhs must be addable

Template Parameters:
  • TLhs – The value of the left-hand mpl::Value

  • TRhs – The value of the right-handmpl::Value

  • TTypeLhs – The type of TLhs

  • TTypeRhs – The type of RLhs


The mpl::Value representing TLhs + TRhs

template<auto TLhs, auto TRhs, typename TTypeLhs = decltype(TLhs), typename TTypeRhs = decltype(TRhs)>
constexpr auto operator-(const Value<TLhs, TTypeLhs> &lhs, const Value<TRhs, TTypeRhs> &rhs) noexcept -> Value<TLhs - TRhs>#

Subtracts rhs from lhs and returns the result as another mpl::Value specialization.


  • TLhs and TRhs must be subtractable

Template Parameters:
  • TLhs – The value of the left-hand mpl::Value

  • TRhs – The value of the right-handmpl::Value

  • TTypeLhs – The type of TLhs

  • TTypeRhs – The type of RLhs


The mpl::Value representing TLhs - TRhs

template<auto TLhs, auto TRhs, typename TTypeLhs = decltype(TLhs), typename TTypeRhs = decltype(TRhs)>
constexpr auto operator*(const Value<TLhs, TTypeLhs> &lhs, const Value<TRhs, TTypeRhs> &rhs) noexcept -> Value<TLhs * TRhs>#

Multiplies the two given mpl::Values and returns the result as another mpl::Value specialization.


  • TLhs and TRhs must be multipliable

Template Parameters:
  • TLhs – The value of the left-hand mpl::Value

  • TRhs – The value of the right-handmpl::Value

  • TTypeLhs – The type of TLhs

  • TTypeRhs – The type of RLhs


The mpl::Value representing TLhs * TRhs

template<auto TLhs, auto TRhs, typename TTypeLhs = decltype(TLhs), typename TTypeRhs = decltype(TRhs)>
constexpr auto operator/(const Value<TLhs, TTypeLhs> &lhs, const Value<TRhs, TTypeRhs> &rhs) noexcept -> Value<TLhs / TRhs>#

Divides lhs by rhs and returns the result as another mpl::Value specialization.


  • TLhs and TRhs must be dividible

Template Parameters:
  • TLhs – The value of the left-hand mpl::Value

  • TRhs – The value of the right-handmpl::Value

  • TTypeLhs – The type of TLhs

  • TTypeRhs – The type of RLhs


The mpl::Value representing TLhs / TRhs

template<auto TLhs, auto TRhs, typename TTypeLhs = decltype(TLhs), typename TTypeRhs = decltype(TRhs)>
constexpr auto operator&&(const Value<TLhs, TTypeLhs> &lhs, const Value<TRhs, TTypeRhs> &rhs) noexcept -> Value<TLhs && TRhs>#

Performs the boolean and of lhs and rhs


  • TLhs and TRhs must be boolean andable

Template Parameters:
  • TLhs – The value of the left-hand mpl::Value

  • TRhs – The value of the right-handmpl::Value

  • TTypeLhs – The type of TLhs

  • TTypeRhs – The type of RLhs


The mpl::Value representing TLhs && TRhs

template<auto TLhs, auto TRhs, typename TTypeLhs = decltype(TLhs), typename TTypeRhs = decltype(TRhs)>
constexpr auto operator||(const Value<TLhs, TTypeLhs> &lhs, const Value<TRhs, TTypeRhs> &rhs) noexcept -> Value<TLhs || TRhs>#

Performs the boolean or of lhs and rhs


  • TLhs and TRhs must be boolean orable

Template Parameters:
  • TLhs – The value of the left-hand mpl::Value

  • TRhs – The value of the right-handmpl::Value

  • TTypeLhs – The type of TLhs

  • TTypeRhs – The type of RLhs


The mpl::Value representing TLhs || TRhs

template<auto TValue, typename TType = decltype(TValue)>
constexpr auto operator!(const Value<TValue, TType> &value) noexcept -> Value<!TValue, TType>#

Performs the boolean not of value


  • TValue boolean notable

Template Parameters:
  • TValue – The value of the mpl::Value

  • TType – The type of TValue


value – The mpl::Value to not


The mpl::Value representing !TLhs

template<auto TLhs, auto TRhs, typename TTypeLhs = decltype(TLhs), typename TTypeRhs = decltype(TRhs)>
constexpr auto operator&(const Value<TLhs, TTypeLhs> &lhs, const Value<TRhs, TTypeRhs> &rhs) noexcept -> Value<TLhs & TRhs>#

Performs the binary and of lhs and rhs


  • TLhs and TRhs must be binary andable

Template Parameters:
  • TLhs – The value of the left-hand mpl::Value

  • TRhs – The value of the right-handmpl::Value

  • TTypeLhs – The type of TLhs

  • TTypeRhs – The type of RLhs


The mpl::Value representing TLhs & TRhs

template<auto TLhs, auto TRhs, typename TTypeLhs = decltype(TLhs), typename TTypeRhs = decltype(TRhs)>
constexpr auto operator|(const Value<TLhs, TTypeLhs> &lhs, const Value<TRhs, TTypeRhs> &rhs) noexcept -> Value<TLhs | TRhs>#

Performs the binary or of lhs and rhs


  • TLhs and TRhs must be binary orable

Template Parameters:
  • TLhs – The value of the left-hand mpl::Value

  • TRhs – The value of the right-handmpl::Value

  • TTypeLhs – The type of TLhs

  • TTypeRhs – The type of RLhs


The mpl::Value representing TLhs | TRhs

template<auto TValue, typename TType = decltype(TValue)>
constexpr auto operator~(const Value<TValue, TType> &value) noexcept -> Value<~TValue, TType>#

Performs the binary not of value


  • TValue binary notable

Template Parameters:
  • TValue – The value of the mpl::Value

  • TType – The type of TValue


value – The mpl::Value to not


The mpl::Value representing !TLhs

template<auto TLhs, auto TRhs, typename TTypeLhs = decltype(TLhs), typename TTypeRhs = decltype(TRhs)>
constexpr auto operator==(const Value<TLhs, TTypeLhs> &lhs, const Value<TRhs, TTypeRhs> &rhs) noexcept -> Value<TLhs == TRhs>#

Equality comparison operator between two mpl::Values.


  • TLhs and TRhs must be equality comparable

Template Parameters:
  • TLhs – The value of the left-hand mpl::Value

  • TRhs – The value of the right-handmpl::Value

  • TTypeLhs – The type of TLhs

  • TTypeRhs – The type of RLhs


Whether the value of lhs is equal to the value of rhs

template<auto TLhs, auto TRhs, typename TTypeLhs = decltype(TLhs), typename TTypeRhs = decltype(TRhs)>
constexpr auto operator!=(const Value<TLhs, TTypeLhs> &lhs, const Value<TRhs, TTypeRhs> &rhs) noexcept -> Value<TLhs != TRhs>#

Inequality comparison operator between two mpl::Values.


  • TLhs and TRhs must be inequality comparable

Template Parameters:
  • TLhs – The value of the left-hand mpl::Value

  • TRhs – The value of the right-handmpl::Value

  • TTypeLhs – The type of TLhs

  • TTypeRhs – The type of RLhs


Whether the value of lhs is not equal to the value of rhs

template<auto TLhs, auto TRhs, typename TTypeLhs = decltype(TLhs), typename TTypeRhs = decltype(TRhs)>
constexpr auto operator<=>(const Value<TLhs, TTypeLhs> &lhs, const Value<TRhs, TTypeRhs> &rhs) noexcept -> Value<TLhs <=> TRhs>#

Three-way comparison operator between two mpl::Values.


  • TLhs and TRhs must be three-way comparable

Template Parameters:
  • TLhs – The value of the left-hand mpl::Value

  • TRhs – The value of the right-handmpl::Value

  • TTypeLhs – The type of TLhs

  • TTypeRhs – The type of RLhs


The result of three-way comparing the value of lhs with the value of rhs

template<auto TLhs, auto TRhs, typename TTypeLhs = decltype(TLhs), typename TTypeRhs = decltype(TRhs)>
constexpr auto operator<(const Value<TLhs, TTypeLhs> &lhs, const Value<TRhs, TTypeRhs> &rhs) noexcept -> Value<(TLhs < TRhs)>#

Less-than comparison operator between two mpl::Values.


  • TLhs and TRhs must be less-than comparable

Template Parameters:
  • TLhs – The value of the left-hand mpl::Value

  • TRhs – The value of the right-handmpl::Value

  • TTypeLhs – The type of TLhs

  • TTypeRhs – The type of RLhs


Whether the value of lhs is less than the value of rhs

template<auto TLhs, auto TRhs, typename TTypeLhs = decltype(TLhs), typename TTypeRhs = decltype(TRhs)>
constexpr auto operator<=(const Value<TLhs, TTypeLhs> &lhs, const Value<TRhs, TTypeRhs> &rhs) noexcept -> Value<(TLhs <= TRhs)>#

Less-than-or-equal comparison operator between two mpl::Values.


  • TLhs and TRhs must be less-than-or-equal comparable

Template Parameters:
  • TLhs – The value of the left-hand mpl::Value

  • TRhs – The value of the right-handmpl::Value

  • TTypeLhs – The type of TLhs

  • TTypeRhs – The type of RLhs


Whether the value of lhs is less than or equal to the value of rhs

template<auto TLhs, auto TRhs, typename TTypeLhs = decltype(TLhs), typename TTypeRhs = decltype(TRhs)>
constexpr auto operator>(const Value<TLhs, TTypeLhs> &lhs, const Value<TRhs, TTypeRhs> &rhs) noexcept -> Value<(TLhs > TRhs)>#

Greater-than comparison operator between two mpl::Values.


  • TLhs and TRhs must be greater-than comparable

Template Parameters:
  • TLhs – The value of the left-hand mpl::Value

  • TRhs – The value of the right-handmpl::Value

  • TTypeLhs – The type of TLhs

  • TTypeRhs – The type of RLhs


Whether the value of lhs is greater than the value of rhs

template<auto TLhs, auto TRhs, typename TTypeLhs = decltype(TLhs), typename TTypeRhs = decltype(TRhs)>
constexpr auto operator>=(const Value<TLhs, TTypeLhs> &lhs, const Value<TRhs, TTypeRhs> &rhs) noexcept -> Value<(TLhs >= TRhs)>#

Greater-than-or-equal comparison operator between two mpl::Values.


  • TLhs and TRhs must be greater-than-or-equal comparable

Template Parameters:
  • TLhs – The value of the left-hand mpl::Value

  • TRhs – The value of the right-handmpl::Value

  • TTypeLhs – The type of TLhs

  • TTypeRhs – The type of RLhs


Whether the value of lhs is greater than or equal to the value of rhs

template<auto TValue, typename TType = std::remove_cvref_t<decltype(TValue)>>
struct Value#
#include <hyperion/mpl/value.h>

Value is Hyperion’s preferred metaprogramming value type.

Value represents a compile time value, storing that value in its static constexpr member variable, value.

Template Parameters:
  • TValue – The value of this Value

  • TType – The type of TValue. This can be manually specified to enforce that TValue is coerced to TType (for example, in order to force TValue to be an int, instead of std::size_t)

Public Types

using value_type = TType#

The type of value

Public Functions

inline constexpr operator TType() const noexcept#

Conversion operator to the value.


The value of this specialization of Value

inline constexpr auto operator()() const noexcept -> TType#

Call operator to get the value.


The value of this specialization of Value

inline explicit constexpr operator bool() const noexcept#

Conversion operator to bool. Converts the value of this specialization of Value to bool.


  • TType must be convertible to bool

  • TType must not be bool


the value of this specialization of Value, converted to bool

inline constexpr auto value_of() const -> TType#

Returns the value of this Value specialization.



template<template<typename> typename TMetaFunction>
inline constexpr auto apply() const noexcept -> detail::unwrap_inner_t<detail::convert_to_meta_t<TMetaFunction<Value>>>#

Applies the specified template metafunction to this specialization of Value.

Applies TMetaFunction to this specialization of Value and returns the calculated result as a metaprogramming type.


  • TMetaFunction must be a TypeMetaFunction:

    • It must be a template taking a single type parameter,

    • It must have a static constexpr member variable, value, or a using alias type, type


template<typename TValue>
struct add_one_typed {
    using type = Value<TValue::value + 1>;

// `two` is `Value<2, usize>`
constexpr auto two = (1_value).apply<add_one>();
static_assert(two == 2_value);

template<typename TValue>
struct add_one_typed {
    using type = Type<Value<TValue::value + 1>>;

// `two_typed` is `Value<2, usize>`
constexpr auto two_typed = (1_value).apply<add_one_typed>().inner();
static_assert(two_typed == 2_value);

Template Parameters:

TMetaFunction – The template metafunction to apply to this Value


The result of applying TMetaFunction

template<template<auto> typename TMetaFunction>
inline constexpr auto apply() const noexcept -> detail::unwrap_inner_t<detail::convert_to_meta_t<TMetaFunction<value>>>#

Applies the specified template metafunction to this specialization of Value.

Applies TMetaFunction to this specialization of Value and returns the calculated result as a metaprogramming type.


  • TMetaFunction must be a ValueMetaFunction:

    • It must be a template taking a single value parameter,

    • It must have a static constexpr member variable, value, or a using alias type, type


template<auto TValue>
struct add_one {
    static inline constexpr auto value = TValue + 1>;

constexpr auto two = (1_value).apply<add_one>(); // `two` is `Value<2, usize>`
static_assert(two == 2_value);

template<auto TValue>
struct add_one_typed {
    using type = Type<Value<TValue + 1>>;

// `two_typed` is `Value<2, usize>`
constexpr auto two_typed = (1_value).apply<add_one_typed>().inner();
static_assert(two_typed == 2_value);

Template Parameters:

TMetaFunction – The template metafunction to apply to this Value


The result of applying TMetaFunction

template<typename TFunction>
inline constexpr auto apply(TFunction &&func) const noexcept -> detail::unwrap_inner_t<detail::convert_to_meta_t<meta_result_t<TFunction, Value>>>#

Applies the given metafunction to this specialization of Value.

Applies func to this specialization of Value and returns the calculated result as a metaprogramming type.



constexpr auto add_one = [](MetaValue auto value) {
    return value + 1_value;

// `two` is `Value<2, usize>`
constexpr auto two = (1_value).apply(add_one_typed);
static_assert(two == 2_value);

constexpr auto add_one_typed = [](MetaValue auto value) {
    return decltype_(value + 1_value);

// `two` is `Value<2, usize>`
constexpr auto two_typed = (1_value).apply(add_one_typed).inner();
static_assert(two_typed == 2_value);

Template Parameters:

TFunction – The type of the metafunction to apply


func – The metafunction to apply


The result of applying func to this Value specialization

template<template<auto> typename TPredicate>
inline constexpr auto satisfies() const noexcept -> Value<TPredicate<value>::value>#

Checks to see if this Value specialization satisfies the given metafunction predicate, TPredicate


  • TPredicate must be a ValueMetaFunction

    • It must be a template taking a single value parameter,

    • It must have a static constexpr member variable, value, or a using alias type, type

  • TPredicate<value> must be a MetaValue

  • The type of the value of TPredicate, TPredicate<value>::value, must be (possibly cv-ref qualified) bool)


template<auto TValue>
struct is_two {
    static inline constexpr auto value = TValue == 2;

constexpr auto not_two = (1_value).satisfies<is_two>(); // `not_two` is
                                                        // `Value<false, bool>`
constexpr auto was_two = (2_value).satisfies<is_two>(); // `was_two` is
                                                        // `Value<true, bool>`

Template Parameters:

TPredicate – The metafunction predicate to check with


The result of checking this Value specialization against TPredicate, as a Value specialization

template<template<typename> typename TPredicate>
inline constexpr auto satisfies() const noexcept -> Value<TPredicate<Value>::value>#

Checks to see if this Value specialization satisfies the given metafunction predicate, TPredicate


  • TPredicate must be a TypeMetaFunction

    • It must be a template taking a single type parameter,

    • It must have a static constexpr member variable, value, or a using alias type, type

  • TPredicate<Value> must be a MetaValue

  • The type of the value of TPredicate, TPredicate<Value>::value, must be (possibly cv-ref qualified) bool)


template<MetaValue TValue>
struct is_two {
    static inline constexpr auto value = TValue::value == 2;

constexpr auto not_two = (1_value).satisfies<is_two>(); // `not_two` is
                                                        // `Value<false, bool>`
constexpr auto was_two = (2_value).satisfies<is_two>(); // `was_two` is
                                                        // `Value<true, bool>`

Template Parameters:

TPredicate – The metafunction predicate to check with


The result of checking this Value specialization against TPredicate, as a Value specialization

template<typename TPredicate>
inline constexpr auto satisfies(TPredicate &&predicate) const noexcept#

Checks to see if this Value specialization satisfies the given metafunction predicate, predicate

If predicate is not a MetaPredicateOf<Value> type, returns Value<false>


constexpr auto is_two = [](MetaValue auto value)
    -> Value<decltype(value)::value == 2>
    return {};

constexpr auto not_two = (1_value).satisfies(is_two); // `not_two` is
                                                      // `Value<false, bool>`
constexpr auto was_two = (2_value).satisfies(is_two); // `was_two` is
                                                      // `Value<true, bool>`

Template Parameters:

TPredicate – The metafunction predicate to check with


The result of checking this Value specialization against TPredicate, as a Value specialization

Public Static Attributes

static constexpr auto value = static_cast<TType>(TValue)#

The value of this metaprogramming value.