General Operator Detection#

group general_operator_detection

Assortment of type traits to determine if an overload of an operator exists accepting one (or more) types.


#include <hyperion/mpl/type_traits/is_operator_able.h>

using namespace hyperion::mpl::type_traits;
struct not_addable {};

static_assert(is_addable_v<int, int>);
static_assert(!is_addable_v<not_addable, not_addable>);


template<typename TLhs>
using unary_plus_result_t = typename is_unary_plusable<TLhs>::result_type#

Alias to the result_type member typedef of is_unary_plusable. Used to determine the type of the returned result of invoking unary operator+ on a TLhs, i.e. decltype(+std::declval<TLhs>())

Template Parameters:

TLhs – The type to check


Presence of result_type should not be used as a short-hand or alternaitve to checking value in any way (e.g. in a SFINAE-compatible context or C++20 requires clause): if is_unary_plusable<TLhs>::value == false, then result_type will be void


Due to overloadability by cv-ref qualification, care should be taken to ensure that use of result_type (and this trait in general) is associated with the correct cv-ref qualification of the unqualified type of TLhs. I.E., given a type TType, if you intend to invoke the unary operator+ overload associated with TType with a const TType&, make sure that you instantiate and use is_unary_plusable with TLhs = const TType&, not TType, TType& or any other qualification.

template<typename TLhs>
using unary_minus_result_t = typename is_unary_minusable<TLhs>::result_type#

Alias to the result_type member typedef of is_unary_minusable. Used to determine the type of the returned result of invoking unary operator- on a TLhs, i.e. decltype(-std::declval<TLhs>())

Template Parameters:

TLhs – The type to check


Presence of result_type should not be used as a short-hand or alternaitve to checking value in any way (e.g. in a SFINAE-compatible context or C++20 requires clause): if is_unary_minusable<TLhs>::value == false, then result_type will be void


Due to overloadability by cv-ref qualification, care should be taken to ensure that use of result_type (and this trait in general) is associated with the correct cv-ref qualification of the unqualified type of TLhs. I.E., given a type TType, if you intend to invoke the unary operator- overload associated with TType with a const TType&, make sure that you instantiate and use is_unary_minusable with TLhs = const TType&, not TType, TType& or any other qualification.

template<typename TLhs>
using binary_not_result_t = typename is_binary_notable<TLhs>::result_type#

Alias to the result_type member typedef of is_binary_notable. Used to determine the type of the returned result of invoking operator~ on a TLhs, i.e. decltype(~std::declval<TLhs>())

Template Parameters:

TLhs – The type to check


Presence of result_type should not be used as a short-hand or alternaitve to checking value in any way (e.g. in a SFINAE-compatible context or C++20 requires clause): if is_binary_notable<TLhs>::value == false, then result_type will be void


Due to overloadability by cv-ref qualification, care should be taken to ensure that use of result_type (and this trait in general) is associated with the correct cv-ref qualification of the unqualified type of TLhs. I.E., given a type TType, if you intend to invoke the unary operator~ overload associated with TType with a const TType&, make sure that you instantiate and use is_binary_notable with TLhs = const TType&, not TType, TType& or any other qualification.

template<typename TLhs>
using boolean_not_result_t = typename is_boolean_notable<TLhs>::result_type#

Alias to the result_type member typedef of is_boolean_notable. Used to determine the type of the returned result of invoking operator! on a TLhs, i.e. decltype(!std::declval<TLhs>())

Template Parameters:

TLhs – The type to check


Presence of result_type should not be used as a short-hand or alternaitve to checking value in any way (e.g. in a SFINAE-compatible context or C++20 requires clause): if is_boolean_notable<TLhs>::value == false, then result_type will be void


Due to overloadability by cv-ref qualification, care should be taken to ensure that use of result_type (and this trait in general) is associated with the correct cv-ref qualification of the unqualified type of TLhs. I.E., given a type TType, if you intend to invoke the unary operator! overload associated with TType with a const TType&, make sure that you instantiate and use is_boolean_notable with TLhs = const TType&, not TType, TType& or any other qualification.

template<typename TLhs>
using address_result_t = typename is_addressable<TLhs>::result_type#

Alias to the result_type member typedef of is_addressable. Used to determine the type of the returned result of invoking unary operator& on a TLhs, i.e. decltype(&std::declval<TLhs>())

Template Parameters:

TLhs – The type to check


Presence of result_type should not be used as a short-hand or alternaitve to checking value in any way (e.g. in a SFINAE-compatible context or C++20 requires clause): if is_addressable<TLhs>::value == false, then result_type will be void


Due to overloadability by cv-ref qualification, care should be taken to ensure that use of result_type (and this trait in general) is associated with the correct cv-ref qualification of the unqualified type of TLhs. I.E., given a type TType, if you intend to invoke the unary operator& overload associated with TType with a const TType&, make sure that you instantiate and use is_addressable with TLhs = const TType&, not TType, TType& or any other qualification.

template<typename TLhs>
using arrow_result_t = typename is_arrowable<TLhs>::result_type#

Alias to the result_type member typedef of is_arrowable. Used to determine the type of the returned result of invoking operator-> on a TLhs, i.e. decltype(std::declval<TLhs>()->)

Template Parameters:

TLhs – The type to check


Presence of result_type should not be used as a short-hand or alternaitve to checking value in any way (e.g. in a SFINAE-compatible context or C++20 requires clause): if is_arrowable<TLhs>::value == false, then result_type will be void


Due to overloadability by cv-ref qualification, care should be taken to ensure that use of result_type (and this trait in general) is associated with the correct cv-ref qualification of the unqualified type of TLhs. I.E., given a type TType, if you intend to invoke the operator-> overload associated with TType with a const TType&, make sure that you instantiate and use is_arrowable with TLhs = const TType&, not TType, TType& or any other qualification.

template<typename TLhs>
using dereference_result_t = typename is_dereferencible<TLhs>::result_type#

Alias to the result_type member typedef of is_dereferencible. Used to determine the type of the returned result of invoking unary operator* on a TLhs, i.e. decltype(*std::declval<TLhs>())

Template Parameters:

TLhs – The type to check


Presence of result_type should not be used as a short-hand or alternaitve to checking value in any way (e.g. in a SFINAE-compatible context or C++20 requires clause): if is_dereferencible<TLhs>::value == false, then result_type will be void


Due to overloadability by cv-ref qualification, care should be taken to ensure that use of result_type (and this trait in general) is associated with the correct cv-ref qualification of the unqualified type of TLhs. I.E., given a type TType, if you intend to invoke the unary operator* overload associated with TType with a const TType&, make sure that you instantiate and use is_dereferencible with TLhs = const TType&, not TType, TType& or any other qualification.

template<typename TLhs, typename TRhs = TLhs>
using add_result_t = typename is_addable<TLhs, TRhs>::result_type#

Alias to the result_type member typedef of is_addable. Used to determine the type of the returned result of invoking the addition operator (i.e. operator+) with a TLhs and TRhs, i.e. decltype(std::declval<TLhs>() + std::declval<TRhs>())

Template Parameters:
  • TLhs – The type of the left-hand parameter

  • TRhs – The type of the right-hand parameter. Defaults to TLhs


Presence of result_type should not be used as a short-hand or alternaitve to checking value in any way (e.g. in a SFINAE-compatible context or C++20 requires clause): if is_addable<TLhs, TRhs>::value == false, then result_type will be void


Due to overloadability by cv-ref qualification, care should be taken to ensure that use of result_type (and this trait in general) is associated with the correct cv-ref qualification(s) of the unqualified types of TLhs and TRhs. I.E., given types TType1 and TType2, if you intend to invoke the addition operator (i.e. operator+) overload associated with TType1 and TType2 with const TType1& and const TType2&, make sure sure that you instantiate and use is_addable with TLhs = const TType1& and TRhs = const TType2&, not TType1, TType2& or any other qualification of either type thereof.

template<typename TLhs, typename TRhs = TLhs>
using subtract_result_t = typename is_subtractable<TLhs, TRhs>::result_type#

Alias to the result_type member typedef of is_subtractable. Used to determine the type of the returned result of invoking the subtraction operator (i.e. operator-) with a TLhs and TRhs, i.e. decltype(std::declval<TLhs>() - std::declval<TRhs>())

Template Parameters:
  • TLhs – The type of the left-hand parameter

  • TRhs – The type of the right-hand parameter. Defaults to TLhs


Presence of result_type should not be used as a short-hand or alternaitve to checking value in any way (e.g. in a SFINAE-compatible context or C++20 requires clause): if is_subtractable<TLhs, TRhs>::value == false, then result_type will be void


Due to overloadability by cv-ref qualification, care should be taken to ensure that use of result_type (and this trait in general) is associated with the correct cv-ref qualification(s) of the unqualified types of TLhs and TRhs. I.E., given types TType1 and TType2, if you intend to invoke the subtraction operator (i.e. operator-) overload associated with TType1 and TType2 with const TType1& and const TType2&, make sure sure that you instantiate and use is_subtractable with TLhs = const TType1& and TRhs = const TType2&, not TType1, TType2& or any other qualification of either type thereof.

template<typename TLhs, typename TRhs = TLhs>
using multiply_result_t = typename is_multipliable<TLhs, TRhs>::result_type#

Alias to the result_type member typedef of is_multipliable. Used to determine the type of the returned result of invoking the multiplication operator (i.e. operator*) with a TLhs and TRhs, i.e. decltype(std::declval<TLhs>() * std::declval<TRhs>())

Template Parameters:
  • TLhs – The type of the left-hand parameter

  • TRhs – The type of the right-hand parameter. Defaults to TLhs


Presence of result_type should not be used as a short-hand or alternaitve to checking value in any way (e.g. in a SFINAE-compatible context or C++20 requires clause): if is_multipliable<TLhs, TRhs>::value == false, then result_type will be void


Due to overloadability by cv-ref qualification, care should be taken to ensure that use of result_type (and this trait in general) is associated with the correct cv-ref qualification(s) of the unqualified types of TLhs and TRhs. I.E., given types TType1 and TType2, if you intend to invoke the multiplication operator (i.e. operator*) overload associated with TType1 and TType2 with const TType1& and const TType2&, make sure sure that you instantiate and use is_multipliable with TLhs = const TType1& and TRhs = const TType2&, not TType1, TType2& or any other qualification of either type thereof.

template<typename TLhs, typename TRhs = TLhs>
using divide_result_t = typename is_dividible<TLhs, TRhs>::result_type#

Alias to the result_type member typedef of is_dividible. Used to determine the type of the returned result of invoking the division operator (i.e. operator/) with a TLhs and TRhs, i.e. decltype(std::declval<TLhs>() / std::declval<TRhs>())

Template Parameters:
  • TLhs – The type of the left-hand parameter

  • TRhs – The type of the right-hand parameter. Defaults to TLhs


Presence of result_type should not be used as a short-hand or alternaitve to checking value in any way (e.g. in a SFINAE-compatible context or C++20 requires clause): if is_dividible<TLhs, TRhs>::value == false, then result_type will be void


Due to overloadability by cv-ref qualification, care should be taken to ensure that use of result_type (and this trait in general) is associated with the correct cv-ref qualification(s) of the unqualified types of TLhs and TRhs. I.E., given types TType1 and TType2, if you intend to invoke the division operator (i.e. operator/) overload associated with TType1 and TType2 with const TType1& and const TType2&, make sure sure that you instantiate and use is_dividible with TLhs = const TType1& and TRhs = const TType2&, not TType1, TType2& or any other qualification of either type thereof.

template<typename TLhs, typename TRhs = TLhs>
using binary_and_result_t = typename is_binary_andable<TLhs, TRhs>::result_type#

Alias to the result_type member typedef of is_binary_andable. Used to determine the type of the returned result of invoking the binary and operator (i.e. operator&) with a TLhs and TRhs, i.e. decltype(std::declval<TLhs>() & std::declval<TRhs>())

Template Parameters:
  • TLhs – The type of the left-hand parameter

  • TRhs – The type of the right-hand parameter. Defaults to TLhs


Presence of result_type should not be used as a short-hand or alternaitve to checking value in any way (e.g. in a SFINAE-compatible context or C++20 requires clause): if is_binary_andable<TLhs, TRhs>::value == false, then result_type will be void


Due to overloadability by cv-ref qualification, care should be taken to ensure that use of result_type (and this trait in general) is associated with the correct cv-ref qualification(s) of the unqualified types of TLhs and TRhs. I.E., given types TType1 and TType2, if you intend to invoke the binary and operator (i.e. operator&) overload associated with TType1 and TType2 with const TType1& and const TType2&, make sure sure that you instantiate and use is_binary_andable with TLhs = const TType1& and TRhs = const TType2&, not TType1, TType2& or any other qualification of either type thereof.

template<typename TLhs, typename TRhs = TLhs>
using binary_or_result_t = typename is_binary_orable<TLhs, TRhs>::result_type#

Alias to the result_type member typedef of is_binary_orable. Used to determine the type of the returned result of invoking the binary or operator (i.e. operator|) with a TLhs and TRhs, i.e. decltype(std::declval<TLhs>() | std::declval<TRhs>())

Template Parameters:
  • TLhs – The type of the left-hand parameter

  • TRhs – The type of the right-hand parameter. Defaults to TLhs


Presence of result_type should not be used as a short-hand or alternaitve to checking value in any way (e.g. in a SFINAE-compatible context or C++20 requires clause): if is_binary_orable<TLhs, TRhs>::value == false, then result_type will be void


Due to overloadability by cv-ref qualification, care should be taken to ensure that use of result_type (and this trait in general) is associated with the correct cv-ref qualification(s) of the unqualified types of TLhs and TRhs. I.E., given types TType1 and TType2, if you intend to invoke the binary or operator (i.e. operator|) overload associated with TType1 and TType2 with const TType1& and const TType2&, make sure sure that you instantiate and use is_binary_orable with TLhs = const TType1& and TRhs = const TType2&, not TType1, TType2& or any other qualification of either type thereof.

template<typename TLhs, typename TRhs = TLhs>
using boolean_and_result_t = typename is_boolean_andable<TLhs, TRhs>::result_type#

Alias to the result_type member typedef of is_boolean_andable. Used to determine the type of the returned result of invoking the boolean and operator (i.e. operator&&) with a TLhs and TRhs, i.e. decltype(std::declval<TLhs>() && std::declval<TRhs>())

Template Parameters:
  • TLhs – The type of the left-hand parameter

  • TRhs – The type of the right-hand parameter. Defaults to TLhs


Presence of result_type should not be used as a short-hand or alternaitve to checking value in any way (e.g. in a SFINAE-compatible context or C++20 requires clause): if is_boolean_andable<TLhs, TRhs>::value == false, then result_type will be void


Due to overloadability by cv-ref qualification, care should be taken to ensure that use of result_type (and this trait in general) is associated with the correct cv-ref qualification(s) of the unqualified types of TLhs and TRhs. I.E., given types TType1 and TType2, if you intend to invoke the boolean and operator (i.e. operator&&) overload associated with TType1 and TType2 with const TType1& and const TType2&, make sure sure that you instantiate and use is_boolean_andable with TLhs = const TType1& and TRhs = const TType2&, not TType1, TType2& or any other qualification of either type thereof.

template<typename TLhs, typename TRhs = TLhs>
using boolean_or_result_t = typename is_boolean_orable<TLhs, TRhs>::result_type#

Alias to the result_type member typedef of is_boolean_orable. Used to determine the type of the returned result of invoking the boolean or operator (i.e. operator||) with a TLhs and TRhs, i.e. decltype(std::declval<TLhs>() || std::declval<TRhs>())

Template Parameters:
  • TLhs – The type of the left-hand parameter

  • TRhs – The type of the right-hand parameter. Defaults to TLhs


Presence of result_type should not be used as a short-hand or alternaitve to checking value in any way (e.g. in a SFINAE-compatible context or C++20 requires clause): if is_boolean_orable<TLhs, TRhs>::value == false, then result_type will be void


Due to overloadability by cv-ref qualification, care should be taken to ensure that use of result_type (and this trait in general) is associated with the correct cv-ref qualification(s) of the unqualified types of TLhs and TRhs. I.E., given types TType1 and TType2, if you intend to invoke the boolean or operator (i.e. operator||) overload associated with TType1 and TType2 with const TType1& and const TType2&, make sure sure that you instantiate and use is_boolean_orable with TLhs = const TType1& and TRhs = const TType2&, not TType1, TType2& or any other qualification of either type thereof.


template<typename TLhs>
static constexpr auto is_unary_plusable_v = is_unary_plusable<TLhs>::value#

Value of the type trait is_unary_plusable. Used to determine if a type supports unary operator+.

Template Parameters:

TLhs – The type to check


Due to overloadability by cv-ref qualification, care should be taken to ensure that use of result_type (and this trait in general) is associated with the correct cv-ref qualification of the unqualified type of TLhs. I.E., given a type TType, if you intend to invoke the unary operator+ overload associated with TType with a const TType&, make sure that you instantiate and use is_unary_plusable with TLhs = const TType&, not TType, TType& or any other qualification.

template<typename TLhs>
static constexpr auto is_unary_minusable_v = is_unary_minusable<TLhs>::value#

Value of the type trait is_unary_minusable. Used to determine if a type supports unary operator-.

Template Parameters:

TLhs – The type to check


Due to overloadability by cv-ref qualification, care should be taken to ensure that use of result_type (and this trait in general) is associated with the correct cv-ref qualification of the unqualified type of TLhs. I.E., given a type TType, if you intend to invoke the unary operator- overload associated with TType with a const TType&, make sure that you instantiate and use is_unary_minusable with TLhs = const TType&, not TType, TType& or any other qualification.

template<typename TLhs>
static constexpr auto is_binary_notable_v = is_binary_notable<TLhs>::value#

Value of the type trait is_binary_notable. Used to determine if a type supports the binary not operator, i.e. operator~.

Template Parameters:

TLhs – The type to check


Due to overloadability by cv-ref qualification, care should be taken to ensure that use of result_type (and this trait in general) is associated with the correct cv-ref qualification of the unqualified type of TLhs. I.E., given a type TType, if you intend to invoke the unary operator~ overload associated with TType with a const TType&, make sure that you instantiate and use is_binary_notable with TLhs = const TType&, not TType, TType& or any other qualification.

template<typename TLhs>
static constexpr auto is_boolean_notable_v = is_boolean_notable<TLhs>::value#

Value of the type trait is_boolean_notable. Used to determine if a type supports the boolean not operator, i.e. operator!.

Template Parameters:

TLhs – The type to check


Due to overloadability by cv-ref qualification, care should be taken to ensure that use of result_type (and this trait in general) is associated with the correct cv-ref qualification of the unqualified type of TLhs. I.E., given a type TType, if you intend to invoke the unary operator! overload associated with TType with a const TType&, make sure that you instantiate and use is_boolean_notable with TLhs = const TType&, not TType, TType& or any other qualification.

template<typename TLhs>
static constexpr auto is_addressable_v = is_addressable<TLhs>::value#

Value of the type trait is_addressable. Used to determine if a type supports the address of operator, i.e. unary operator&.

Template Parameters:

TLhs – The type to check


Due to overloadability by cv-ref qualification, care should be taken to ensure that use of result_type (and this trait in general) is associated with the correct cv-ref qualification of the unqualified type of TLhs. I.E., given a type TType, if you intend to invoke the unary operator& overload associated with TType with a const TType&, make sure that you instantiate and use is_addressable with TLhs = const TType&, not TType, TType& or any other qualification.

template<typename TLhs>
static constexpr auto is_arrowable_v = is_arrowable<TLhs>::value#

Value of the type trait is_arrowable. Used to determine if a type supports the pointer to member operator, i.e. operator->.

Template Parameters:

TLhs – The type to check


Due to overloadability by cv-ref qualification, care should be taken to ensure that use of result_type (and this trait in general) is associated with the correct cv-ref qualification of the unqualified type of TLhs. I.E., given a type TType, if you intend to invoke the operator-> overload associated with TType with a const TType&, make sure that you instantiate and use is_arrowable with TLhs = const TType&, not TType, TType& or any other qualification.

template<typename TLhs>
static constexpr auto is_dereferencible_v = is_dereferencible<TLhs>::value#

Value of the type trait is_dereferencible. Used to determine if a type supports the dereference operator, i.e. unary operator*.

Template Parameters:

TLhs – The type to check


Due to overloadability by cv-ref qualification, care should be taken to ensure that use of result_type (and this trait in general) is associated with the correct cv-ref qualification of the unqualified type of TLhs. I.E., given a type TType, if you intend to invoke the unary operator* overload associated with TType with a const TType&, make sure that you instantiate and use is_dereferencible with TLhs = const TType&, not TType, TType& or any other qualification.

template<typename TLhs, typename TRhs = TLhs>
static constexpr auto is_addable_v = is_addable<TLhs, TRhs>::value#

Value of the type trait is_addable . Used to determine if TLhs and TRhs are addable.

Template Parameters:
  • TLhs – The type of the left-hand parameter

  • TRhs – The type of the right-hand parameter. Defaults to TLhs


Due to overloadability by cv-ref qualification, care should be taken to ensure that use of result_type (and this trait in general) is associated with the correct cv-ref qualification(s) of the unqualified types of TLhs and TRhs. I.E., given types TType1 and TType2, if you intend to invoke the addition operator (i.e. operator+) overload associated with TType1 and TType2 with const TType1& and const TType2&, make sure sure that you instantiate and use is_addable with TLhs = const TType1& and TRhs = const TType2&, not TType1, TType2& or any other qualification of either type thereof.

template<typename TLhs, typename TRhs = TLhs>
static constexpr auto is_subtractable_v = is_subtractable<TLhs, TRhs>::value#

Value of the type trait is_subtractable . Used to determine if TLhs and TRhs are subtractable.

Template Parameters:
  • TLhs – The type of the left-hand parameter

  • TRhs – The type of the right-hand parameter. Defaults to TLhs


Due to overloadability by cv-ref qualification, care should be taken to ensure that use of result_type (and this trait in general) is associated with the correct cv-ref qualification(s) of the unqualified types of TLhs and TRhs. I.E., given types TType1 and TType2, if you intend to invoke the subtraction operator (i.e. operator-) overload associated with TType1 and TType2 with const TType1& and const TType2&, make sure sure that you instantiate and use is_subtractable with TLhs = const TType1& and TRhs = const TType2&, not TType1, TType2& or any other qualification of either type thereof.

template<typename TLhs, typename TRhs = TLhs>
static constexpr auto is_multipliable_v = is_multipliable<TLhs, TRhs>::value#

Value of the type trait is_multipliable . Used to determine if TLhs and TRhs are multipliable.

Template Parameters:
  • TLhs – The type of the left-hand parameter

  • TRhs – The type of the right-hand parameter. Defaults to TLhs


Due to overloadability by cv-ref qualification, care should be taken to ensure that use of result_type (and this trait in general) is associated with the correct cv-ref qualification(s) of the unqualified types of TLhs and TRhs. I.E., given types TType1 and TType2, if you intend to invoke the multiplication operator (i.e. operator*) overload associated with TType1 and TType2 with const TType1& and const TType2&, make sure sure that you instantiate and use is_multipliable with TLhs = const TType1& and TRhs = const TType2&, not TType1, TType2& or any other qualification of either type thereof.

template<typename TLhs, typename TRhs = TLhs>
static constexpr auto is_dividible_v = is_dividible<TLhs, TRhs>::value#

Value of the type trait is_dividible . Used to determine if TLhs and TRhs are dividible.

Template Parameters:
  • TLhs – The type of the left-hand parameter

  • TRhs – The type of the right-hand parameter. Defaults to TLhs


Due to overloadability by cv-ref qualification, care should be taken to ensure that use of result_type (and this trait in general) is associated with the correct cv-ref qualification(s) of the unqualified types of TLhs and TRhs. I.E., given types TType1 and TType2, if you intend to invoke the division operator (i.e. operator/) overload associated with TType1 and TType2 with const TType1& and const TType2&, make sure sure that you instantiate and use is_dividible with TLhs = const TType1& and TRhs = const TType2&, not TType1, TType2& or any other qualification of either type thereof.

template<typename TLhs, typename TRhs = TLhs>
static constexpr auto is_binary_andable_v = is_binary_andable<TLhs, TRhs>::value#

Value of the type trait is_binary_andable . Used to determine if TLhs and TRhs are binary andable.

Template Parameters:
  • TLhs – The type of the left-hand parameter

  • TRhs – The type of the right-hand parameter. Defaults to TLhs


Due to overloadability by cv-ref qualification, care should be taken to ensure that use of result_type (and this trait in general) is associated with the correct cv-ref qualification(s) of the unqualified types of TLhs and TRhs. I.E., given types TType1 and TType2, if you intend to invoke the binary and operator (i.e. operator&) overload associated with TType1 and TType2 with const TType1& and const TType2&, make sure sure that you instantiate and use is_binary_andable with TLhs = const TType1& and TRhs = const TType2&, not TType1, TType2& or any other qualification of either type thereof.

template<typename TLhs, typename TRhs = TLhs>
static constexpr auto is_binary_orable_v = is_binary_orable<TLhs, TRhs>::value#

Value of the type trait is_binary_orable . Used to determine if TLhs and TRhs are binary orable.

Template Parameters:
  • TLhs – The type of the left-hand parameter

  • TRhs – The type of the right-hand parameter. Defaults to TLhs


Due to overloadability by cv-ref qualification, care should be taken to ensure that use of result_type (and this trait in general) is associated with the correct cv-ref qualification(s) of the unqualified types of TLhs and TRhs. I.E., given types TType1 and TType2, if you intend to invoke the binary or operator (i.e. operator|) overload associated with TType1 and TType2 with const TType1& and const TType2&, make sure sure that you instantiate and use is_binary_orable with TLhs = const TType1& and TRhs = const TType2&, not TType1, TType2& or any other qualification of either type thereof.

template<typename TLhs, typename TRhs = TLhs>
static constexpr auto is_boolean_andable_v = is_boolean_andable<TLhs, TRhs>::value#

Value of the type trait is_boolean_andable . Used to determine if TLhs and TRhs are boolean andable.

Template Parameters:
  • TLhs – The type of the left-hand parameter

  • TRhs – The type of the right-hand parameter. Defaults to TLhs


Due to overloadability by cv-ref qualification, care should be taken to ensure that use of result_type (and this trait in general) is associated with the correct cv-ref qualification(s) of the unqualified types of TLhs and TRhs. I.E., given types TType1 and TType2, if you intend to invoke the boolean and operator (i.e. operator&&) overload associated with TType1 and TType2 with const TType1& and const TType2&, make sure sure that you instantiate and use is_boolean_andable with TLhs = const TType1& and TRhs = const TType2&, not TType1, TType2& or any other qualification of either type thereof.

template<typename TLhs, typename TRhs = TLhs>
static constexpr auto is_boolean_orable_v = is_boolean_orable<TLhs, TRhs>::value#

Value of the type trait is_boolean_orable . Used to determine if TLhs and TRhs are boolean orable.

Template Parameters:
  • TLhs – The type of the left-hand parameter

  • TRhs – The type of the right-hand parameter. Defaults to TLhs


Due to overloadability by cv-ref qualification, care should be taken to ensure that use of result_type (and this trait in general) is associated with the correct cv-ref qualification(s) of the unqualified types of TLhs and TRhs. I.E., given types TType1 and TType2, if you intend to invoke the boolean or operator (i.e. operator||) overload associated with TType1 and TType2 with const TType1& and const TType2&, make sure sure that you instantiate and use is_boolean_orable with TLhs = const TType1& and TRhs = const TType2&, not TType1, TType2& or any other qualification of either type thereof.

template<typename TLhs>
struct is_unary_plusable : public std::false_type#
#include <hyperion/mpl/type_traits/is_operator_able.h>

Type Trait to determine if a type supports unary operator+.

In addition to providing the static member value, indicating whether a TLhs supports unary operator+, also provides the member typedef type result_type equal to the type of the returned result of invoking the associated operator+ overload, i.e. decltype(+std::declval<TLhs>())

Template Parameters:

TLhs – The type to check


Presence of result_type should not be used as a short-hand or alternaitve to checking value in any way (e.g. in a SFINAE-compatible context or C++20 requires clause): if is_unary_plusable<TLhs>::value == false, then result_type will be void


Due to overloadability by cv-ref qualification, care should be taken to ensure that use of result_type (and this trait in general) is associated with the correct cv-ref qualification of the unqualified type of TLhs. I.E., given a type TType, if you intend to invoke the unary operator+ overload associated with TType with a const TType&, make sure that you instantiate and use is_unary_plusable with TLhs = const TType&, not TType, TType& or any other qualification.

template<typename TLhs>
struct is_unary_minusable : public std::false_type#
#include <hyperion/mpl/type_traits/is_operator_able.h>

Type Trait to determine if a type supports unary operator-.

In addition to providing the static member value, indicating whether a TLhs supports unary operator-, also provides the member typedef type result_type equal to the type of the returned result of invoking the associated operator- overload, i.e. decltype(-std::declval<TLhs>())

Template Parameters:

TLhs – The type to check


Presence of result_type should not be used as a short-hand or alternaitve to checking value in any way (e.g. in a SFINAE-compatible context or C++20 requires clause): if is_unary_minusable<TLhs>::value == false, then result_type will be void


Due to overloadability by cv-ref qualification, care should be taken to ensure that use of result_type (and this trait in general) is associated with the correct cv-ref qualification of the unqualified type of TLhs. I.E., given a type TType, if you intend to invoke the unary operator- overload associated with TType with a const TType&, make sure that you instantiate and use is_unary_minusable with TLhs = const TType&, not TType, TType& or any other qualification.

template<typename TLhs>
struct is_binary_notable : public std::false_type#
#include <hyperion/mpl/type_traits/is_operator_able.h>

Type Trait to determine if a type supports the binary not operator, i.e. operator~.

In addition to providing the static member value, indicating whether a TLhs supports operator~, also provides the member typedef type result_type equal to the type of the returned result of invoking the associated operator~ overload, i.e. decltype(~std::declval<TLhs>())

Template Parameters:

TLhs – The type to check


Presence of result_type should not be used as a short-hand or alternaitve to checking value in any way (e.g. in a SFINAE-compatible context or C++20 requires clause): if is_binary_notable<TLhs>::value == false, then result_type will be void


Due to overloadability by cv-ref qualification, care should be taken to ensure that use of result_type (and this trait in general) is associated with the correct cv-ref qualification of the unqualified type of TLhs. I.E., given a type TType, if you intend to invoke the unary operator~ overload associated with TType with a const TType&, make sure that you instantiate and use is_binary_notable with TLhs = const TType&, not TType, TType& or any other qualification.

template<typename TLhs>
struct is_boolean_notable : public std::false_type#
#include <hyperion/mpl/type_traits/is_operator_able.h>

Type Trait to determine if a type supports the boolean not operator, i.e. operator!.

In addition to providing the static member value, indicating whether a TLhs supports operator!, also provides the member typedef type result_type equal to the type of the returned result of invoking the associated operator! overload, i.e. decltype(!std::declval<TLhs>())

Template Parameters:

TLhs – The type to check


Presence of result_type should not be used as a short-hand or alternaitve to checking value in any way (e.g. in a SFINAE-compatible context or C++20 requires clause): if is_boolean_notable<TLhs>::value == false, then result_type will be void


Due to overloadability by cv-ref qualification, care should be taken to ensure that use of result_type (and this trait in general) is associated with the correct cv-ref qualification of the unqualified type of TLhs. I.E., given a type TType, if you intend to invoke the unary operator! overload associated with TType with a const TType&, make sure that you instantiate and use is_boolean_notable with TLhs = const TType&, not TType, TType& or any other qualification.

template<typename TLhs>
struct is_addressable : public std::false_type#
#include <hyperion/mpl/type_traits/is_operator_able.h>

Type Trait to determine if a type supports the address of operator, i.e. unary operator&.

In addition to providing the static member value, indicating whether a TLhs supports unary operator&, also provides the member typedef type result_type equal to the type of the returned result of invoking the associated operator& overload, i.e. decltype(&std::declval<TLhs>())

Template Parameters:

TLhs – The type to check


Presence of result_type should not be used as a short-hand or alternaitve to checking value in any way (e.g. in a SFINAE-compatible context or C++20 requires clause): if is_addressable<TLhs>::value == false, then result_type will be void


Due to overloadability by cv-ref qualification, care should be taken to ensure that use of result_type (and this trait in general) is associated with the correct cv-ref qualification of the unqualified type of TLhs. I.E., given a type TType, if you intend to invoke the unary operator& overload associated with TType with a const TType&, make sure that you instantiate and use is_addressable with TLhs = const TType&, not TType, TType& or any other qualification.

template<typename TLhs>
struct is_arrowable : public std::false_type#
#include <hyperion/mpl/type_traits/is_operator_able.h>

Type Trait to determine if a type supports the pointer to member operator, i.e. operator->.

In addition to providing the static member value, indicating whether a TLhs supports operator->, also provides the member typedef type result_type equal to the type of the returned result of invoking the associated operator-> overload, i.e. decltype(std::declval<TLhs>()->)

Template Parameters:

TLhs – The type to check


Presence of result_type should not be used as a short-hand or alternaitve to checking value in any way (e.g. in a SFINAE-compatible context or C++20 requires clause): if is_arrowable<TLhs>::value == false, then result_type will be void


Due to overloadability by cv-ref qualification, care should be taken to ensure that use of result_type (and this trait in general) is associated with the correct cv-ref qualification of the unqualified type of TLhs. I.E., given a type TType, if you intend to invoke the operator-> overload associated with TType with a const TType&, make sure that you instantiate and use is_arrowable with TLhs = const TType&, not TType, TType& or any other qualification.

template<typename TLhs>
struct is_dereferencible : public std::false_type#
#include <hyperion/mpl/type_traits/is_operator_able.h>

Type Trait to determine if a type supports the dereference operator, i.e. unary operator*.

In addition to providing the static member value, indicating whether a TLhs supports unary operator*, also provides the member typedef type result_type equal to the type of the returned result of invoking the associated operator* overload, i.e. decltype(*std::declval<TLhs>())

Template Parameters:

TLhs – The type to check


Presence of result_type should not be used as a short-hand or alternaitve to checking value in any way (e.g. in a SFINAE-compatible context or C++20 requires clause): if is_dereferencible<TLhs>::value == false, then result_type will be void


Due to overloadability by cv-ref qualification, care should be taken to ensure that use of result_type (and this trait in general) is associated with the correct cv-ref qualification of the unqualified type of TLhs. I.E., given a type TType, if you intend to invoke the unary operator* overload associated with TType with a const TType&, make sure that you instantiate and use is_dereferencible with TLhs = const TType&, not TType, TType& or any other qualification.

template<typename TLhs, typename TRhs = TLhs>
struct is_addable : public std::false_type#
#include <hyperion/mpl/type_traits/is_operator_able.h>

Type trait to determine if TLhs and TRhs are addable.

In addition to providing the static member value, indicating whether a TLhs and TRhs are addable, also provides the member typedef type result_type equal to the type of the returned result of invoking the associated operator+ overload, i.e. decltype(std::declval<TLhs>() + std::declval<TRhs>()).

Template Parameters:
  • TLhs – The type of the left-hand parameter

  • TRhs – The type of the right-hand parameter. Defaults to TLhs


Presence of result_type should not be used as a short-hand or alternaitve to checking value in any way (e.g. in a SFINAE-compatible context or C++20 requires clause): if is_addable<TLhs, TRhs>::value == false, then result_type will be void


Due to overloadability by cv-ref qualification, care should be taken to ensure that use of result_type (and this trait in general) is associated with the correct cv-ref qualification(s) of the unqualified types of TLhs and TRhs. I.E., given types TType1 and TType2, if you intend to invoke the addition operator (i.e. operator+) overload associated with TType1 and TType2 with const TType1& and const TType2&, make sure sure that you instantiate and use is_addable with TLhs = const TType1& and TRhs = const TType2&, not TType1, TType2& or any other qualification of either type thereof.

template<typename TLhs, typename TRhs = TLhs>
struct is_subtractable : public std::false_type#
#include <hyperion/mpl/type_traits/is_operator_able.h>

Type trait to determine if TLhs and TRhs are subtractable.

In addition to providing the static member value, indicating whether a TLhs and TRhs are subtractable, also provides the member typedef type result_type equal to the type of the returned result of invoking the associated operator- overload, i.e. decltype(std::declval<TLhs>() - std::declval<TRhs>()).

Template Parameters:
  • TLhs – The type of the left-hand parameter

  • TRhs – The type of the right-hand parameter. Defaults to TLhs


Presence of result_type should not be used as a short-hand or alternaitve to checking value in any way (e.g. in a SFINAE-compatible context or C++20 requires clause): if is_subtractable<TLhs, TRhs>::value == false, then result_type will be void


Due to overloadability by cv-ref qualification, care should be taken to ensure that use of result_type (and this trait in general) is associated with the correct cv-ref qualification(s) of the unqualified types of TLhs and TRhs. I.E., given types TType1 and TType2, if you intend to invoke the subtraction operator (i.e. operator-) overload associated with TType1 and TType2 with const TType1& and const TType2&, make sure sure that you instantiate and use is_subtractable with TLhs = const TType1& and TRhs = const TType2&, not TType1, TType2& or any other qualification of either type thereof.

template<typename TLhs, typename TRhs = TLhs>
struct is_multipliable : public std::false_type#
#include <hyperion/mpl/type_traits/is_operator_able.h>

Type trait to determine if TLhs and TRhs are multipliable.

In addition to providing the static member value, indicating whether a TLhs and TRhs are multipliable, also provides the member typedef type result_type equal to the type of the returned result of invoking the associated operator* overload, i.e. decltype(std::declval<TLhs>() * std::declval<TRhs>()).

Template Parameters:
  • TLhs – The type of the left-hand parameter

  • TRhs – The type of the right-hand parameter. Defaults to TLhs


Presence of result_type should not be used as a short-hand or alternaitve to checking value in any way (e.g. in a SFINAE-compatible context or C++20 requires clause): if is_multipliable<TLhs, TRhs>::value == false, then result_type will be void


Due to overloadability by cv-ref qualification, care should be taken to ensure that use of result_type (and this trait in general) is associated with the correct cv-ref qualification(s) of the unqualified types of TLhs and TRhs. I.E., given types TType1 and TType2, if you intend to invoke the multiplication operator (i.e. operator*) overload associated with TType1 and TType2 with const TType1& and const TType2&, make sure sure that you instantiate and use is_multipliable with TLhs = const TType1& and TRhs = const TType2&, not TType1, TType2& or any other qualification of either type thereof.

template<typename TLhs, typename TRhs = TLhs>
struct is_dividible : public std::false_type#
#include <hyperion/mpl/type_traits/is_operator_able.h>

Type trait to determine if TLhs and TRhs are dividible.

In addition to providing the static member value, indicating whether a TLhs and TRhs are dividible, also provides the member typedef type result_type equal to the type of the returned result of invoking the associated operator/ overload, i.e. decltype(std::declval<TLhs>() / std::declval<TRhs>()).

Template Parameters:
  • TLhs – The type of the left-hand parameter

  • TRhs – The type of the right-hand parameter. Defaults to TLhs


Presence of result_type should not be used as a short-hand or alternaitve to checking value in any way (e.g. in a SFINAE-compatible context or C++20 requires clause): if is_dividible<TLhs, TRhs>::value == false, then result_type will be void


Due to overloadability by cv-ref qualification, care should be taken to ensure that use of result_type (and this trait in general) is associated with the correct cv-ref qualification(s) of the unqualified types of TLhs and TRhs. I.E., given types TType1 and TType2, if you intend to invoke the division operator (i.e. operator/) overload associated with TType1 and TType2 with const TType1& and const TType2&, make sure sure that you instantiate and use is_dividible with TLhs = const TType1& and TRhs = const TType2&, not TType1, TType2& or any other qualification of either type thereof.

template<typename TLhs, typename TRhs = TLhs>
struct is_binary_andable : public std::false_type#
#include <hyperion/mpl/type_traits/is_operator_able.h>

Type trait to determine if TLhs and TRhs are binary andable.

In addition to providing the static member value, indicating whether a TLhs and TRhs are binary andable, also provides the member typedef type result_type equal to the type of the returned result of invoking the associated operator& overload, i.e. decltype(std::declval<TLhs>() & std::declval<TRhs>()).

Template Parameters:
  • TLhs – The type of the left-hand parameter

  • TRhs – The type of the right-hand parameter. Defaults to TLhs


Presence of result_type should not be used as a short-hand or alternaitve to checking value in any way (e.g. in a SFINAE-compatible context or C++20 requires clause): if is_binary_andable<TLhs, TRhs>::value == false, then result_type will be void


Due to overloadability by cv-ref qualification, care should be taken to ensure that use of result_type (and this trait in general) is associated with the correct cv-ref qualification(s) of the unqualified types of TLhs and TRhs. I.E., given types TType1 and TType2, if you intend to invoke the binary and operator (i.e. operator&) overload associated with TType1 and TType2 with const TType1& and const TType2&, make sure sure that you instantiate and use is_binary_andable with TLhs = const TType1& and TRhs = const TType2&, not TType1, TType2& or any other qualification of either type thereof.

template<typename TLhs, typename TRhs = TLhs>
struct is_binary_orable : public std::false_type#
#include <hyperion/mpl/type_traits/is_operator_able.h>

Type trait to determine if TLhs and TRhs are binary orable.

In addition to providing the static member value, indicating whether a TLhs and TRhs are binary orable, also provides the member typedef type result_type equal to the type of the returned result of invoking the associated operator| overload, i.e. decltype(std::declval<TLhs>() | std::declval<TRhs>()).

Template Parameters:
  • TLhs – The type of the left-hand parameter

  • TRhs – The type of the right-hand parameter. Defaults to TLhs


Presence of result_type should not be used as a short-hand or alternaitve to checking value in any way (e.g. in a SFINAE-compatible context or C++20 requires clause): if is_binary_orable<TLhs, TRhs>::value == false, then result_type will be void


Due to overloadability by cv-ref qualification, care should be taken to ensure that use of result_type (and this trait in general) is associated with the correct cv-ref qualification(s) of the unqualified types of TLhs and TRhs. I.E., given types TType1 and TType2, if you intend to invoke the binary or operator (i.e. operator|) overload associated with TType1 and TType2 with const TType1& and const TType2&, make sure sure that you instantiate and use is_binary_orable with TLhs = const TType1& and TRhs = const TType2&, not TType1, TType2& or any other qualification of either type thereof.

template<typename TLhs, typename TRhs = TLhs>
struct is_boolean_andable : public std::false_type#
#include <hyperion/mpl/type_traits/is_operator_able.h>

Type trait to determine if TLhs and TRhs are boolean andable.

In addition to providing the static member value, indicating whether a TLhs and TRhs are boolean andable, also provides the member typedef type result_type equal to the type of the returned result of invoking the associated operator&& overload, i.e. decltype(std::declval<TLhs>() && std::declval<TRhs>()).

Template Parameters:
  • TLhs – The type of the left-hand parameter

  • TRhs – The type of the right-hand parameter. Defaults to TLhs


Presence of result_type should not be used as a short-hand or alternaitve to checking value in any way (e.g. in a SFINAE-compatible context or C++20 requires clause): if is_boolean_andable<TLhs, TRhs>::value == false, then result_type will be void


Due to overloadability by cv-ref qualification, care should be taken to ensure that use of result_type (and this trait in general) is associated with the correct cv-ref qualification(s) of the unqualified types of TLhs and TRhs. I.E., given types TType1 and TType2, if you intend to invoke the boolean and operator (i.e. operator&&) overload associated with TType1 and TType2 with const TType1& and const TType2&, make sure sure that you instantiate and use is_boolean_andable with TLhs = const TType1& and TRhs = const TType2&, not TType1, TType2& or any other qualification of either type thereof.

template<typename TLhs, typename TRhs = TLhs>
struct is_boolean_orable : public std::false_type#
#include <hyperion/mpl/type_traits/is_operator_able.h>

Type trait to determine if TLhs and TRhs are boolean orable.

In addition to providing the static member value, indicating whether a TLhs and TRhs are boolean orable, also provides the member typedef type result_type equal to the type of the returned result of invoking the associated operator|| overload, i.e. decltype(std::declval<TLhs>() || std::declval<TRhs>()).

Template Parameters:
  • TLhs – The type of the left-hand parameter

  • TRhs – The type of the right-hand parameter. Defaults to TLhs


Presence of result_type should not be used as a short-hand or alternaitve to checking value in any way (e.g. in a SFINAE-compatible context or C++20 requires clause): if is_boolean_orable<TLhs, TRhs>::value == false, then result_type will be void


Due to overloadability by cv-ref qualification, care should be taken to ensure that use of result_type (and this trait in general) is associated with the correct cv-ref qualification(s) of the unqualified types of TLhs and TRhs. I.E., given types TType1 and TType2, if you intend to invoke the boolean or operator (i.e. operator||) overload associated with TType1 and TType2 with const TType1& and const TType2&, make sure sure that you instantiate and use is_boolean_orable with TLhs = const TType1& and TRhs = const TType2&, not TType1, TType2& or any other qualification of either type thereof.